Ibm mq put message options

Posted: Intelis Date: 15.07.2017

A reason code of -1 reflects a SAS internal error, not a WebSphere MQ error. To obtain a textual description of a failure either Base SAS or WebSphere MQuse the SYSMSG Base SAS function call. A reason code of -1 reflects a Base SAS internal error, not a WebSphere MQ error. The following example disconnects the Base SAS session from a queue manager identified by the parameter hConn.

A reason code of -1 reflects a Base SAS internal error, not an WebSphere MQ error. For WebSphere MQ Version 5. CALL MQGET hConnhObjhmdhgmomsglencompCodereason. If data accompanies the message, it is retrieved into an internal Base SAS buffer. Not all attributes are valid for each type of object queue, process definition, or queue manager. Valid object types are listed under each attribute.

IBM Websphere MQ Sender,Receiver Channels and Remote Queues Configuration

For queues that are monitored by the object spawner, the MsgDeliverySequence property must be set to Priority. See Using the Object Spawner Message Queue Polling Support for more information about this option. This example generates an object descriptor to OPEN a temporary dynamic queue that begins with the name Base SAS and is unique within the system. The example then queries the name of the temporary dynamic queue that was created after a successful OPEN. Manipulates message descriptor parameters to be used on a subsequent MQPUT, MQPUT1 or MQGET call.


This routine supports both sending a message MQPUT and MQPUT1 and receiving a message MQGET. Therefore, the parameters and values serve as both input and as output to the function. This example sends a message to a queue, and then queries and displays the message descriptor values.

OFFSET is the offset from beginning of the message. This property is optional so that by default data is not aligned data starts at next available position in message.

ibm mq put message options

LENGTH is the length of the data being represented. This property is optional in most cases. The only time length is required is when setting up to receive character data. Specifying length for numeric data is ignored since length is implicitly defined. That is, if the data that you are sending or receiving is of a different type than the Base SAS variable itself, the data will be coerced into the appropriate data type.

This example defines a map to use to send and receive a message with a short, a long, a double and a character string. No alignment is specified for any data type, and strings will always be characters in length blank padded. Creates a data descriptor that describes the actual Base SAS variables along with an associated data mapping.

This data descriptor can then be used on a subsequent MQPUT or MQPUT1 call. Retrieves values of Base SAS variables from a previous WebSphere MQ message that was received by a MQGET call. Creates or manipulates a reference message header so that an application can put a message in this format, omitting the bulk data.

CALL MQRMH hrmhactionrcparmsvalue1value2When the reference message header is read from the transmission queue by a message channel agent MCAa user-supplied message exit is invoked to process the reference message. A sample message exit is supplied by WebSphere MQ, amqsxrm. You will need to add this message exit to the sending and receiving channel definitions. The message exit on the sending side can append to the reference message the bulk data identified by the reference message header before the MCA sends the message through the channel to the next queue manager.

When a reference message is received, the receiving message exit should create the object from the bulk data that is associated with the reference message header, and then pass on the reference message without the bulk data so that the reference message without the bulk data can later be retrieved by a program.

This example goes through the process of connecting to a queue manager, preparing the queue, generating the message, closing the queue, and freeing all resources. WebSphere MQ Functional Interface. Writing WebSphere MQ Applications. WebSphere MQ Code Samples.

WebSphere MQ CALL Routines. Prev Next Contents Application Messaging WebSphere MQ CALL Routines MQCONN Connects Base SAS to a WebSphere MQ queue manager. Syntax CALL MQCONN namehConncompCodereason ; name Character48, input Specifies a case-sensitive identifier name of the queue manager that has previously been configured by the system administrator.

This parameter is used by other CALL routines to identify the connection created by MQCONN. This parameter can be used to determine if an error occurred during the execution of this routine. If an error occurred, the compCode parameter will be non-zero, and the reason parameter will be set to the appropriate reason code. Example The following example connects the Base SAS session to the queue manager named TEST. Syntax CALL MQDISC hConncompCodereason ; hConn Numeric, input Specifies the WebSphere MQ connection handle obtained from a previous MQCONN function call.

If an error occurred, compCode will be non-zero, and the reason parameter will be set to the appropriate reason code. Example The following example disconnects the Base SAS session from a queue manager identified by the parameter hConn.

The following open options are valid: BROWSE Open to browse messages. OUTPUT Open to okaz stockbrokers com messages.

INQUIRE Open to query object attributes. SET Open to set object attributes. These parameters support features of WebSphere MQ Version 5. Example This example opens forex turbo scalper review queue for input and output.

Syntax CALL MQCLOSE hConnhObjoptionscompCodereason ; hConn Numeric, input Specifies the WebSphere MQ connection handle obtained from a previous MQCONN function call. The following close options are valid: NONE No optional close processing required. DELETE Delete the permanent dynamic queue if no messages exist and no uncommitted get or put request is outstanding. Example This example closes a queue. If set to zero, it is assumed that no data will accompany runescape best way to get money members message.

Example This example sends a message to a queue. Details Essentially, the MQPUT1 routine performs an MQOPEN, MQPUT and MQCLOSE in one Ibm mq put message options call.

Note that the queue does not have to be open prior to making this call. Also note that the queue will be closed during the execution of this call.

How to make money by selling weed This example sends a message to a queue that might not already be opened.

Syntax CALL MQGET hConnhObjhmdhgmomsglencompCodereason ; hConn Numeric, input Specifies the WebSphere MQ connection handle obtained from a previous MQCONN function call.

Details If data accompanies the message, it is retrieved into an internal Base SAS buffer. Example This example options single request etc resolv conf a message from a queue.

Syntax CALL MQCMIT hConncompCodereason ; hConn Numeric, input Specifies the WebSphere MQ connection handle obtained lehman brothers put options a previous MQCONN function call.

Example This example commits a unit of work. Syntax CALL MQBACK hConncompCodereason ; hConn Numeric, bubbles crashes stock market Specifies the WebSphere MQ connection handle obtained from a previous MQCONN function call.

Example This example reverts the messages in a queue back to the last synchronization point. This handle can represent a queue, process definition, or queue manager object. Each object attribute is separated by a comma. The value associated with each attribute is returned in a value parameter.

java - Put message async on WebSphere MQ queue - Stack Overflow

You must provide a value parameter for each attribute specified parms string. Variables used to store character values should be initialized appropriately to guarantee that truncation of a returned value does not occur. The following attributes, objects, and value types are valid: This handle represents a queue object. Each queue attribute must be separated by a comma and must have a value associated with it. Only certain attributes a subset of list for MQINQ can be changed using this function call.

Refer to the IBM WebSphere MQ documentation for more details. You must provide a value parameter for each attribute specified in the parms string and the data type must be of the proper type. Example This example changes the queue properties dollar live rates forex inhibiting messages to be sent put to the queue.

The handle should be supplied when you are setting or querying an option. The handle is generated as output when action is to generate default WebSphere MQ put options. The chf eur rate forecast action values are valid: GEN Generate a handle representing default put message options as defined by WebSphere MQ. SET After a put message options handle has been generated, you can continue to set values as necessary.

INQ After a put message options handle has been generated, you can query its values. If an error occurred, the return code will be non-zero. The Base SAS function SYSMSG can be used to obtain a textual description of the return code. Each option must be separated by a comma and must have a value associated ibm mq put message options it in the function's parameter list. You must provide a value parameter for each option specified in the parms string and the data type must be of the proper type.

Variables used to store character values being returned in an inquiry INQ action should be initialized appropriately to guarantee that truncation of a returned value does not occur. The following put message options parms are valid: CONTEXT Numeric, input Object handle of input queue. OPTIONS Character, input Character string of the attributes options to associate with subsequent MQPUT calls.

Each option must be separated by a comma. The following OPTIONS values are valid: The handle is generated as output when action is to generate default WebSphere MQ get options. GEN Generate a handle representing default get message options as defined by WebSphere MQ. SET After a get message options handle has been generated, you can continue to set values as necessary. INQ After a get message options handle has been generated, you can query its values.

The following get message options parms and values are valid: OPTIONS Character, input Specifies a string of the attributes options to associate with subsequent MQGET calls. Specify CONVERT to allow WebSphere MQ to perform data conversion based on the FORMAT of a PUT message via a conversion exit routine that has been previously established at the QMgr. To allow Base SAS to perform the data conversion instead of using a WebSphere MQ conversion exit routine, then do not specify the CONVERT option.

SASQSID Character36, input A value equal to the environment variable of the same name, a 36 character string. The environment variable can be retrieved using the following in a SAS DATA step: The following get message options are supported by WebSphere MQ Version 5. Example This example generates get message options to wait 3 seconds for a GET message operation.

The handle should be supplied when you are setting or querying a value. The handle is generated as output when action is to generate default object descriptor parameters. GEN Generate a handle representing default object descriptor parameters as defined by WebSphere MQ. SET After an object descriptor handle has been generated, you can continue to set values as necessary. INQ After an object descriptor handle has been generated, you can query its values. Each parameter must be separated by a comma and must have a value associated with it in the function's parameter list.

You must provide a value parameter for each object descriptor parameter specified in the parms string and the data type must be of the proper type. The following object descriptor parameters parms and values are valid: DISTLIST Character, input Character string of queues in a distribution list each separated by commas input.

Example This example generates an object descriptor to OPEN a temporary dynamic queue that begins with the name Base SAS and is unique within the system.

The handle is generated as output when action is to generate default "message descriptor" parameters. GEN Generate a handle representing default message descriptor parameters as defined by WebSphere MQ. SET After a message descriptor handle has been generated, you can continue to set values as necessary.

INQ After a message descriptor handle has been generated, you can query its values. You must provide a value parameter for each message descriptor parameter specified in the parms string and the data type must be of the proper type.

The following message descriptor parameters parms and values are valid: Possible REPORT option values are as follows: WebSphere MQ reserves the following message types: Possible persistence values are as follows: FORMAT should be set if you intend for a WebSphere MQ QMgr conversion exit to be invoked when an application GETs a message. The FORMAT name is the actual name of the conversion exit that will be invoked when an application GETs a message with the CONVERT get message option specified.

The FORMAT name in the message descriptor is set when a message is PUT on a queue. Refer to WebSphere MQ literature for details on creating a conversion exit.

MSGID and CORRELID are updated on PUTs and GETs so remember to reset their values appropriately when performing multiple PUTs or GETs with the same message descriptor. Example This example sends a message to a queue, and then queries and displays the message descriptor values. The handle generated will be used to reference the data map when setting or getting Base SAS variables in a message.

A descriptor has the following format: CHAR character data SHORT short integer LONG long integer DOUBLE double precision floating point OFFSET is the offset from beginning of the message.

DataPower MQ Put & Get Message Options (PMO / GMO)

Example This example defines a map to use to send and receive a message with a short, a long, a double and a character string.

The handle generated can be used to reference the data when sending a message to a queue. If set to zero, no external defined mapping is assumed and therefore, all data will be mapped according to Base SAS internal representations. That is, all numerics will be mapped as doubles and all strings will be mapped as character data of the current string length.

Example This example sets values of Base SAS variables into a message. Initialize variables appropriately to guarantee that truncation does not occur. Details This message is available until the next MQGET call is performed.

Example This example gets values of Base SAS variables from a received message. Syntax CALL MQRMH hrmhactionrcparmsvalue1value2The handle is generated as output when action is to generate default message header parameters. The handle should be supplied when you are setting or querying a parameter.

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GEN Generate a handle representing default reference message header parameters as defined by WebSphere MQ. SET After a message header handle has been generated, you can set values as necessary.

INQ After a message header handle has been generated, you can query its values. You must provide a value parameter for each reference message header parameter specified in the parms string and the data type must be of the proper type. The following reference message header parameters parms and values are valid: Example This example goes through the process of connecting to a queue manager, preparing the queue, generating the message, closing the queue, and freeing all resources.

Syntax CALL MQFREE handle ; handle Numeric, input Specifies the Base SAS internal handle obtained from one of the following previous function calls: MQRMH hrmh Example This example frees the resources allocated by a handle. CALL MQFREE handle .

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