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Call for Papers - Entrepreneurship. Call for Papers - Civil Eng ineering. Random Walk Hypothesis, Weak-Form Market Efficiency, Indian Stock Market, Bombay Stock Exchange, Autocorrelation Test, Unit Root Test, Variance Ratio Test.

Testing Weak Form Market Efficiency of Indian Stock Markets | Nikunjkumar Patel -

August 18, ; Paper sent back for Revision: February 7, ; Paper Acceptance Date: Are Asia-Pacific markets efficient an empirical investigation. Finance India, 27 1 , A simple multiple variance ratio test.

Journal of Econometrics, 58 3 , - Industrial Management Review, 3 2 , Distribution of the estimates for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74 , Likelihood ratio statistics for autoregressive time series with a unit root. Econometrics, 49 4 , Random walks in stock market prices.

Financial Analysts Journal, 21 5 , A review of theory and empirical work. Journal of Finance, 25 2 , - Journal of Finance, 46 5 , Introduction to statistical time series.

Testing Weak Form Market Efficiency of Indian Stock Markets | Nikunjkumar Patel -

The random-walk hypothesis of stock market behavior. International Review of Social Sciences,17 1 , 1- Predictability of stock market prices 1st ed.

testing weak form stock market efficiency on bombay stock exchange of india

On the impossibility of informationally efficient market. The American Economic Review, 70 3 , - Stock market returns in thin markets: Evidence from the Vienna Stock Exchange. Applied Financial Economics, 7 5 , - Empirical study of the weak form of EMH on Indian stock markets. International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research, 2 11 , Some anomalous evidence regarding market efficiency. The advanced theory of statistics Vol. Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root: How sure are we that economic time series have a unit root?

Journal of Econometrics, 54 1 - 3 , - A variance-ratio test of random walk in international stock markets. The Empirical Economics Letters, 11 8 , - On a measure of lack of fit in time series models.

Biometrika, 65 2 , Stock market prices do not follow random walk: Evidence from a simple specification test. The Review of Financial Studies, 1 1 , The efficient market hypothesis and its critics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 17 1 , A statistical analysis of common-stock prices Unpublished Ph. Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago, Chicago. Brownian motion in the stock market.

Operations Research, 7 2 , Testing for a unit root in time series regression. Biometrika, 75 2 , - Evidence on weak form efficiency and day of the week effect in the Indian stock market. Finance India, 10 3 , - A study on weak form of market efficiency in selected Asian stock markets. Indian Journal of Finance, 8 11 , 34 - A comparative analysis of stock price behavior on Bombay, London, and New York Stock Exchange.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 31 3 , Testing random walk hypothesis of Indian stock market returns: Evidence from National Stock Exchange. ICBI- University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, pp.

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Testing the Weak-Form Market Efficiency in the Indian Stock Market : Evidence from the Bombay Stock Exchange Index (BSE) Sensex | Ryaly | Indian Journal of Finance

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Testing the Weak-Form Market Efficiency in the Indian Stock Market: Evidence from the Bombay Stock Exchange Index BSE Sensex. Subba Raju 2 , Bhargava Urlankula 1.

testing weak form stock market efficiency on bombay stock exchange of india

Abstract Performance of the stock markets is considered as a very important tool to measure the performance of the economy. In recent years, the Indian stock market has witnessed a tremendous growth in all the facets of trading , that is, number of companies listed, market capitalization, membership, value of trading ,volume of trading per day, and so forth.

The Indian benchmark stock index SENSEX by June had grown massively to over 27, This unprecedented growth in the Indian stock market raises the interest over the efficiency of the stock market. The present paper tested the weak-form of market efficiency in the Indian stock market by testing the random walk hypothesis in the return series.

According to the random walk hypothesis, the stock movements are random and unpredictable. Weighted index of the Bombay Stock Exchange SENSEX was examined for the study from to July by using daily data and weekly data.

A battery of tests were applied on the data , that is, autocorrelation test, unit root test, and variance ratio test. The empirical evidence found from the autocorrelation test conclusively rejected the serial dependency in the series observed, and hence proclaimed the existence of the random walk hypothesis in the Indian stock market. ADF, DF-GLS, PP, and KPSS tests were performed to find the significance of unit root, and the results from the unit root test were consistent with the autocorrelation test.

Similar and very strong evidence was found from the results of the variance ratio test also. Reasonable empirical evidence was found to prove the weak-form of market efficiency in the Indian stock market through this paper.

Keywords Random Walk Hypothesis, Weak-Form Market Efficiency, Indian Stock Market, Bombay Stock Exchange, Autocorrelation Test, Unit Root Test, Variance Ratio Test G1, G10, G14, G15 Paper Submission Date: Advertise Digital Edition Ahead of Print Current Issue Subscription Registration. Designed and developed by:

testing weak form stock market efficiency on bombay stock exchange of india
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