Forex quotes web service

Posted: Zonder Date: 08.06.2017

How to use this converter? Exchange rates feeding services. For more than 10 years, Fxtop provide exchange rates information to businesses. This page describes services we already provide to our clients.


We can also adapt our services to your very specific needs. Several kind of files are provided: XML , Text or CSV could be read easily with Excel , SQL queries or web services. Exchange rates are provided against a base currency like US dollar or euro or whichever you like , we used common charsets like Unicode UTF-8 or ISO Western european Latin1 Exchange rates can be sent to your systems through different means: Our fares are reasonable , services are set up very quickly and we adapt to any specific needs so don't hesitate to subscribe or contact us If you are a bit lost about technical terms, have look at our terminology section or contact us so we can help you choose service that fits most to your needs.

XML is the standard file format for structured data exchange. Currency quotations against the euro are available in XML eXtensible Markup Language format. An example of xml exchange file can be seen with an XML interpretor like Internet Explorer here labels in 11 languages and exchange rates against euro or here labels in english and exchange rates against US dollar if you want the page with daily exchange rates and all currencies list in 11 languages, please contact webmaster fxtop.

Explanations of XML tags: We allow third parties to call some of our functions to convert amounts from one currency to another, retrieve exchange rates today or in the past , retrieve currency description, list of currencies. Some services are commercial services so you need subscription, please contact us to get a quote. Standard web service using SOAP protocol and WSDL file SOAP is the standard way to use web service, it is based on a Web Service Definition Language WSDL file special file written in XML way.

It can be used by any application, XML files are exchanged with that protocol. We provide such web service based on SOAP protocol, we based it on http protocol which is more convenient http port is not blocked by firewalls. We use standard Unicode UTF-8 charset for encoding strings. Our Web Service Definition Language WSDL file is here This file describes 3 services and associated parameters: FR, EN, DE, IT, ES, FI, DK, NL, PT SE NO, JP , label of country of the currency in this language, label of currency the label of country exists in 12 languages but currency label is given only in French FR , English EN , German DE , Italian IT and spanish ES so far used charset is standard Unicode UTF You can find a sample of execution of these three services on a PHP page on http: You can use other technologies than PHP to use this webservice.

Source code of this sample is available here if it doesn't look like Php code in your browser, use "View source" function in your browser. As you can see, it is very easy to use web services with PHP language. See sample on this page written in PHP on http: Code source of this PHP sample is available here if this PHP source code doesn't display properly, use function "View source" in your web browser.

web services - Realtime currency webservice - Stack Overflow

Online test of SOAP web service You can test this webservice without writing a line in PHP, you just have to go to SoapClient Direct link Then enter our web service definition file http: Net sample code written in C to integrate this SOAP web service You can find here a sample of execution of web service with.

To use it, create a new project under Visual Studio, choose "Console Application", then on Solution Explorer, right click on "ConsoleApplication1" and choose "Add a "reference of service".

File is parsed by Visual Studio. Then rename "ServiceReference1" to "MyFxtop". Copy paste this source code in Program. Please note that this sample will only perform currency conversion in , to perform currency conversion today on at another date, you need a login. Please contact us so we can give you full access to this feature then you will be able to use it or if you want us to adapt it to your needs. Light web services based on REST architecture with HTTP transportation protocol.

These are light interfaces to call our services: WSDL might be long to interpret and exchange messages are light. Here are some samples of use of these services please note that you can call them with different technologies than the one displayed in sample: Here convert 70 GBP into euro at today's rate. HTML form to call webservice with http GET method at today's rate, return in text format. HTML form to call web service with http GET method at today's rate, return in XML format.

HTML form to call web service with http GET method in the past, return in XML format. Use above HTML form and choose "TEXT" Mode to call web service with http GET method in the past, return in TEXT format. Light dynamic sample dynamic form with synchronous queries in Ajax but without Jquery in the past using internal call of webservice with http GET method in the past, return in TEXT format.

HTML form to call webservice with http POST method at today's rate, return in XML format]. Webservice with http GET method to retrieve range of historical exchange rates between 2 dates, return in XML format.

HTML form to call REST web historical rates service with http GET method, return in XML format. Webservice with http GET method to retrieve range of historical exchange rates between 2 dates, return in Excel format CSV. HTML form to call REST web historical rates service with http GET method, return in XLSX Excel format.

HTML form to call REST web historical rates service with http GET method, return in CSV format. Webservice with http GET method to retrieve range of historical exchange rates between 2 dates, return SQL queries for MySQL.

HTML form to call REST web historical rates service with http GET method, return SQL queries to populate a MySQL database. Webservice with http GET method to retrieve all exchange rates against a base currency at a specific date or today if date not defined , return in XML format. Daily historical rates against USD on 1st of July XML.

HTML form to call REST web daily rates service with http GET method, return in XML format. Webservice with http GET method to retrieve all exchange rates against a base currency at a specific date or today if date not defined , return in CSV format. Daily historical rates against USD on 1st of July CSV. Reserved for clients, see sample here labels in 11 languages and exchange rates against euro or here labels in english and exchange rates against US dollar , etc Reserved for clients, see sample CSV file could be read easily with Excel.

Reserved for clients, see sample mySQL file or sample for Oracle database.

The current identity (NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE) does not have write access to 'C:\Windows\\Framework\v\Temporary Files'.

SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services in computer networks.

It relies on Extensible Markup Language XML for its message format, and usually relies on other Application Layer protocols, most notably Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP , for message negotiation and transmission.

The Web Services Description Language WSDL is an XML-based language that is used for describing the functionality offered by a Web service. Representational state transfer REST is a style of software architecture for distributed systems such as the World Wide Web. REST has emerged over the past few years as a predominant Web service design model.

REST has increasingly displaced other design models such as SOAP and WSDL due to its simpler style. REST uses HTTP protocol to exchange messages and facilitates the transaction between web servers by allowing loose coupling between different services. REST is less strongly typed than its counterpart, SOAP. The REST language is based off the use of nouns and verbs, and has an emphasis on readability.

Unlike SOAP, REST does not require XML parsing and doesn't require a message header to and from a service provider. This ultimately uses less bandwidth. Please note that Ajax means "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML" is a set of technologies to perform Web 2. Ajax is based on following technologies: SSL is Secured Socket Layer, it is a protocol to securely exchange data over the Internet data is encrypted between client and server for privacy reason , it is used when address starts with "http s: GET method is a request method supported by HTTP protocol.

POST method is a request method supported by HTTP protocol, parameters are not sent in address bar like with GET method but are grouped in body of the request message there is no body part of message with GET method.

forex quotes web service

Part of content of this terminology section comes from related articles of Wikipedia, grants to the authors of these articles. If you have specific needs like: We support SSL Secured Socket Layer for encryption of individual conversions. Please feel free to contact us and explain your needs. We provide a free RSS flow that you can access through icon. This RSS flow can be adapted to your needs no advert, particular currencies

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