Syrian war stock market

Posted: f12 Date: 08.07.2017

Syria's capital and largest city is Damascus. A country of fertile plains, high mountains, and deserts, Syria is home to diverse ethnic and religious groupsincluding Syrian ArabsGreeksArmeniansAssyriansKurdsCircassians[8] Mandeans [9] and Turks. Religious groups include SunnisChristiansAlawitesDruzeMandeansShiitesSalafisYazidisand Jews.

Sunni Arabs make up the largest religious group in Syria. In Englishthe name "Syria" was formerly synonymous with the Levant known in Arabic as al-Shamwhile the modern state encompasses the sites of several ancient kingdoms and empires, including the Eblan civilization of the 3rd millennium BC. Its capital Damascus and largest city Aleppo are among the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.

The modern Syrian state was established after the end of centuries of Ottoman control in World War I as a French mandateand represented the largest Arab state to emerge from the formerly Ottoman -ruled Arab Levant.

It gained independence as a parliamentary republic on 24 October when Syria became a founding member of the United Nations, an act which legally ended the former French Mandate — although French troops did not leave the country until April The post-independence period was tumultuous, and a large number of military coups and coup attempts shook the country in the period — Syria was under Emergency Law from toeffectively suspending most constitutional protections for citizens.

Bashar al-Assad has been president since and was preceded by his father Hafez al-Assadwho was in office from to Syria is a member of one international organization other than the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement ; it has become suspended from the Arab League on November [12] and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation[13] and self-suspended from the Union for the Mediterranean.

Syria is the world's most violent country according to the Global Peace Index and is ranked last in the Global Peace Index. The area designated by the word has changed over time. Classically, Syria lies at the eastern end of the Mediterranean, between Arabia to the south and Asia Minor to the north, stretching inland to include parts of Iraq, and having an uncertain border to the northeast that Pliny the Elder describes as including, from west to east, CommageneSopheneand Adiabene.

By Pliny's time, however, this larger Syria had been divided into a number of provinces under the Roman Empire but politically independent from each other: Judaealater renamed Palaestina in AD the region corresponding to modern-day Israelthe Palestinian Territories, and Jordan in the extreme southwest; Phoenice established in AD corresponding to modern Lebanon, Damascus and Homs regions; Coele-Syria or "Hollow Syria" south of the Eleutheris riverand Iraq.

Since approximately 10, BC, Syria was one of centers of Neolithic culture known as Pre-Pottery Neolithic A where agriculture and cattle breeding appeared for the first time in the world. The following Neolithic period PPNB is represented by rectangular houses of Mureybet culture. At the time of the pre-pottery Neolithic, people used vessels made of stone, gyps and burnt lime Vaisselle blanche. Finds of obsidian tools from Anatolia are evidences of early trade relations.

Cities of Hamoukar and Emar played an important role during the late Neolithic and Bronze Age. Archaeologists have demonstrated that civilization in Syria was one of the most ancient on earth, perhaps preceded by only those of Mesopotamia. The earliest recorded indigenous civilisation in the region was the Kingdom of Ebla [25] near present-day Idlibnorthern Syria.

Ebla appears to have been founded around BC, [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] and gradually built its fortune through trade with the Mesopotamian states of SumerAssyria and Akkadas well as with the Hurrian and Hattian peoples to the northwest, in Asia Minor. One of the earliest written texts from Syria is a trading agreement between Vizier Ibrium of Ebla and an ambiguous kingdom called Abarsal c.

Ebla was weakened by a long war with Mariand the whole of Syria became part of the Mesopotamian Akkadian Empire after Sargon of Akkad and his grandson Naram-Sin 's conquests ended Eblan domination over Syria in the first half of the 23rd century BC. By the 21st century BC, Hurrians settled the northern east parts of Syria while the rest of the region was dominated by the AmoritesSyria was called the Land of the Amurru Amorites by their Assyro-Babylonian neighbors.

The Northwest Semitic language of the Amorites is the earliest attested of the Canaanite languages. Mari reemerged during this period, and saw renewed prosperity until conquered by Hammurabi of Babylon. Ugarit also arose during this time, circa BC, close to modern Latakia.

Ugaritic was a Semitic language loosely related to the Canaanite languages, and developed the Ugaritic alphabet. Yamhad modern Aleppo dominated northern Syria for two centuries, [38] although Eastern Syria was occupied in the 19th and 18th centuries BC by the Old Assyrian Empire ruled by the Amorite Dynasty of Shamshi-Adad Iand by the Babylonian Empire which was founded by Amorites.

Yamhad was described in the tablets of Mari as the mightiest state in the near east and as having more vassals than Hammurabi of Babylon. From this time, Syria became a battle ground for various foreign empires, these being the Hittite EmpireMitanni Empire, Egyptian EmpireMiddle Assyrian Empireand to a lesser degree Babylonia. The Egyptians initially occupied much of the south, while the Hittites, and the Mitanni, much of the north. However, Assyria eventually gained the upper hand, destroying the Mitanni Empire and annexing huge swathes of territory previously held by the Hittites and Babylon.

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Around the 14th century BC, various Semitic peoples appeared in the area, such as the semi-nomadic Suteans who came into an unsuccessful conflict with Babylonia to the east, and the West Semitic speaking Arameans who subsumed the earlier Amorites.

They too were subjugated by Assyria and the Hittites for centuries. The Egyptians fought the Hittites for control over western Syria; the fighting reached its zenith in BC with the Battle of Kadesh. With the destruction of the Hittites and the decline of Assyria in the late 11th century BC, the Aramean tribes gained control of much of the interior, founding states such as Bit BahianiAram-DamascusHamathAram-RehobAram-Naharaimand Luhuti.

From this point, the region became known as Aramea or Aram. There was also a synthesis between the Semitic Arameans and the remnants of the Indo-European Hittiteswith the founding of a number of Syro-Hittite states centered in north central Aram Syria and south central Asia Minor modern Turkeyincluding PalistinCarchemish and Sam'al.

A Canaanite group known as the Phoenicians came to dominate the coasts of Syria, and also Lebanon and northern Palestine from the 13th century BC, founding city states such as AmritSimyraArwadPaltosRamitha and Shuksi. From these coastal regions they eventually spread their influence throughout the Mediterraneanincluding building colonies in MaltaSicily, the Iberian peninsula modern Spain and Portugalthe coasts of North Africa, and most significantly, founding the major city state of Carthage in modern Tunisia in the 9th century BC which was much later to become the center of a major empire, rivaling the Roman Empire.

Syria and the entire Near East and beyond then fell to the vast Neo Assyrian Empire BC — BC. The Assyrians introduced Imperial Aramaic as the lingua franca of their empire. This language was to remain dominant in Syria and the entire Near East until after the Arab Islamic conquest in the 7th and 8th centuries AD, and was to be a vehicle for the spread of Christianity.

The Assyrians named their colonies of Syria and Lebanon Eber-Nari. Assyrian domination ended after the Assyrians greatly weakened themselves in a series of brutal internal civil wars, followed by an attacking coalition of their former subject peoples; the MedesBabyloniansChaldeansPersiansScythians and Cimmerians.

During the fall of Assyria, the Scythians ravaged and plundered much of Syria. The last stand of the Assyrian army was at Carchemish in northern Syria in BC. The Assyrian Empire was followed by the Neo-Babylonian Empire BC — BC.

During this period, Syria became a battle ground between Babylonia and another former Assyrian colony, that of Egypt. The Babylonians, like their Assyrian relations, were victorious over Egypt. The Achaemenid Persians took Syria from Babylonia as part of their hegemony of Southwest Asia in BC. Syria was conquered by the Greek Macedonian Empireruled by Alexander the Great circa BC, and consequently became Coele-Syria province of the Greek Seleucid Empire BC — 64 BC.

It was the Greeks who introduced the name "Syria" to the region. Originally an Indo-European corruption of "Assyria" in northern Mesopotamia, the Greeks used this term to describe not only Assyria itself but also the lands to the west which had for centuries been under Assyrian dominion.

Eventually parts of southern Seleucid Syria were taken by Judean Hasmoneans upon the slow disintegration of the Hellenistic Empire. Syria briefly came under Armenian control from 83 BC, with the conquests of Tigranes the Greatwho was welcomed as a savior from the Seleucids and Romans by its people.

The Armenians retained control of Syria for two decades before being driven out by the Romans. Pompey the Great of the Roman Empirewho captured Antioch in 64 BC, turning Syria into a Roman province. Palmyraa rich and sometimes powerful native Aramaic -speaking kingdom arose in northern Syria in the 2nd century; the Palmyrene established a trade network that made the city one of the richest in the Roman empire.

Eventually, in the late 3rd century AD, the Palmyrene king Odaenathus defeated the Persian emperor Shapur I and controlled the entirety of the Roman East while his successor and widow Zenobia established the Palmyrene Empirewhich briefly conquered Egypt, Syria, Palestine, much of Asia Minor, Judah and Lebanon, before being finally brought under Roman control in AD.

The northern Mesopotamian Assyrian kingdom of Adiabene controlled areas of north east Syria between 10 AD and AD, before it was conquered by Rome. The Aramaic language has been found as far afield as Hadrians Wall in Ancient Britainwith inscriptions written by Assyrian and Aramean soldiers of the Roman Empire. Control of Syria eventually passed from the Romans to the Byzantineswith the split in the Roman Empire. The largely Aramaic -speaking population of Syria during the heyday of the Byzantine empire was probably not exceeded again until the 19th century.

Prior to the Arab Islamic Conquest in the 7th century AD, the bulk of the population were Arameansbut Syria was also home to Greek and Roman ruling classes, Assyrians still dwelt in the north east, Phoenicians along the coasts, and Jewish and Armenian communities was also extant in major cities, with Nabateans and pre-Islamic Arabs such as the Lakhmids and Ghassanids dwelling in the deserts of southern Syria. Syriac Christianity had taken hold as the major religion, although others still followed JudaismMithraismManicheanismGreco-Roman ReligionCanaanite Religion and Mesopotamian Religion.

Syria's large and prosperous population made Syria one of the most important of the Roman and Byzantine provinces, particularly during the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. The Roman Emperor Alexander Severuswho was emperor from towas an Aramean from Syria.

His cousin Elagabaluswho was emperor from towas also from Syria and his family held hereditary rights to the high priesthood of the Aramean sun god El-Gabal at Emesa modern Homs in Syria. Another Roman emperor who was a Syrian was Philip the Arab Marcus Julius Philippusemperor from to Syria is significant in the history of Christianity ; Saulus of Tarsus, better known as the Apostle Paulwas converted on the Road to Damascus and emerged as a significant figure in the Christian Church at Antioch in ancient Syria, from which he left on many of his missionary journeys.

Muhammad 's first interaction with the people and tribes of Syria was during the Invasion of Dumatul Jandal in July [52] where he ordered his followers to Invade Duma, because Muhammad received intelligence that some tribes there were involved in highway robbery and preparing to attack Medina itself.

William Montgomery Watt claims that this was the most significant expedition Muhammad ordered at the time, even though it received little notice in the primary sources. Watt says "It is tempting to suppose that Muhammad was already envisaging something of the expansion which took place after his death", and that the rapid march of his troops must have "impressed all those who heard of it". William Muir also believes that the expedition was important as Muhammad followed by men reached the confines of Syria, where distant tribes had now learnt his name, while the political horizon of Muhammad was extended.

By ADSyria was conquered by the Arab Rashidun army led by Khalid ibn al-Walid. In the mid-7th century, the Umayyad dynastythen rulers of the empire, placed the capital of the empire in Damascus. The country's power declined during later Umayyad rule; this was mainly due to totalitarianism, corruption and the resulting revolutions.

The Umayyad dynasty was then overthrown in by the Abbasid dynastywhich moved the capital of empire to Baghdad. Arabic — made official under Umayyad rule — became the dominant language, replacing Greek and Aramaic of the Byzantine era. Inthe Egypt-based Tulunids annexed Syria from the Abbasids, and were later replaced by once the Egypt-based Ikhshidids and still later by the Hamdanids originating in Aleppo founded by Sayf al-Dawla.

Sections of Syria were held by French, English, Italian and German overlords between and AD during the Crusades and were known collectively as the Crusader states among which the primary one in Syria was the Principality of Antioch. The coastal mountainous region was also occupied in part by the Nizari Ismailisthe so-called Assassinswho had intermittent confrontations and truces with the Crusader States.

Later in history when "the Nizaris faced renewed Frankish hostilities, they received timely assistance from the Ayyubids. After a century of Seljuk rule, Syria was largely conquered — by the Kurdish warlord Saladinfounder of the Ayyubid dynasty of Egypt. Aleppo fell to the Mongols of Hulegu in Januaryand Damascus in March, but then Hulegu was forced to break off his attack to return to China to deal with a succession dispute. A few months later, the Mamluks arrived with an army from Egypt and defeated the Mongols in the Battle of Ain Jalut in Galilee.

The Mamluk leader, Baibarsmade Damascus a provincial capital. When he died, power was taken by Qalawun. In the meantime, an emir named Sunqur al-Ashqar had tried to declare himself ruler of Damascus, but he was defeated by Qalawun on 21 Juneand fled to northern Syria.

Al-Ashqar, who had married a Mongol woman, appealed for help from the Mongols. The Mongols of the Ilkhanate took the city, but Qalawun persuaded Al-Ashqar to join him, and they fought against the Mongols on 29 Octoberin the Second Battle of Homswhich was won by the Mamluks.

Inthe Muslim Turco-Mongol conqueror Timur Lenk Tamurlane invaded Syria, sacked Aleppo and captured Damascus after defeating the Mamluk army. The city's inhabitants were massacred, except for the artisans, who were deported to Samarkand. Timur-Lenk also conducted specific massacres of the Aramean and Assyrian Christian populations, greatly reducing their numbers.

Inthe Ottoman Empire invaded the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt, conquering Syria, and incorporating it into its empire. The Ottoman system was not burdensome to Syrians because the Turks respected Arabic as the language of the Quranand accepted the mantle of defenders of the faith.

Damascus was made the major entrepot for Meccaand as such it acquired a holy character to Muslims, because of the beneficial results of the countless pilgrims who passed through on the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. Ottoman administration followed a system that led to peaceful coexistence. Each ethno-religious minority — Arab Shia MuslimArab Sunni MuslimAramean - Syriac OrthodoxGreek OrthodoxMaronite ChristiansAssyrian ChristiansArmeniansKurds and Jews — constituted a millet.

His short-term rule over the domain attempted to change the demographics and social structure of the region: Byhowever, he had to surrender the area back to the Ottomans. FromTanzimat reforms were applied on Ottoman Syria, carving out the provinces vilayets of AleppoZorBeirut and Damascus Vilayet ; Mutasarrifate of Mount Lebanon was created, as well, and soon after the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem was given a separate status.

During World War Ithe Ottoman Empire entered the conflict on the side of Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It ultimately suffered defeat and loss of control of the entire Near East to the British Empire and French Empire.

During the conflict, genocide against indigenous Christian peoples was carried out by the Ottomans and their allies in the form of the Armenian Genocide and Assyrian Genocideof which Deir ez-Zorin Ottoman Syria, was the final destination of these death marches. Initially, the two territories were separated by a border that ran in an almost straight line from Jordan to Iran.

However, the discovery of oil in the region of Mosul just before the end of the war led to yet another negotiation with France in to cede this region to 'Zone B', or the British zone of influence. This border was later recognized internationally when Syria became a League of Nations mandate in [63] and has not changed to date.

Ina short-lived independent Kingdom of Syria was established under Faisal I of the Hashemite family.

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However, his rule over Syria ended after only a few months, following the Battle of Maysalun. French troops occupied Syria later that year after the San Remo conference proposed that the League of Nations put Syria under a French mandate.

General Gouraud had according to his secretary de Caix two options: De Caix added "I must say only the second option interests me". This is what Gouraud did. InSultan al-Atrash led a revolt that broke out in the Druze Mountain and spread to engulf the whole of Syria and parts of Lebanon.

Al-Atrash won several battles against the French, notably the Battle of al-Kafr on 21 Julythe Battle of al-Mazraa on 2—3 Augustand the battles of Salkhad, al-Musayfirah and Suwayda. France sent thousands of troops from Morocco and Senegal, leading the French to regain many cities, although resistance lasted until the spring of The French sentenced Sultan al-Atrash to death, but he had escaped with the rebels to Transjordan and was eventually pardoned.

He returned to Syria in after the signing of the Syrian-French Treaty. Syria and France negotiated a treaty of independence in Septemberand Hashim al-Atassi was the first president to be elected under the first incarnation of the modern republic of Syria. However, the treaty never came into force because the French Legislature refused to ratify it. With the fall of France in during World War IISyria came under the control of Vichy France until the British and Free French occupied the country in the Syria-Lebanon campaign in July Continuing pressure from Syrian nationalists and the British forced how much money does steve williams make as a caddy French to evacuate their troops in Aprilleaving the country in the hands of a republican government that had been formed during the mandate.

Upheaval dominated Syrian politics from independence through the late s. In MaySyrian forces invaded Palestinetogether with other Arab states, and immediately attacked Jewish settlements. Husni al-Za'imdescribed as the first military overthrow of the Arab World [70] since the start of the Second World War.

This was soon followed by another overthrow, by Col. Sami al-Hinnawiwho was himself quickly deposed by Col. Adib Shishakliall within the same year. Shishakli eventually abolished multipartyism altogether, but was himself overthrown in a coup and the parliamentary system was restored. There was fertile ground for various Arab nationalistSyrian nationalistand socialist movements, which represented disaffected elements of society.

Notably included were religious minorities, who demanded radical reform. In Novemberas a direct result of the Suez Crisis[71] Syria signed a pact with the Soviet Union. This gave a foothold for Communist influence within the government in exchange for military equipment. Only heated debates in the United Nations lessened the threat of war. On 1 FebruarySyrian President Shukri al-Quwatli and Egypt's Nasser announced the forex heatmap indicator download of Egypt and Syria, creating the United Arab Republic cashless stock option exercise example, and all Syrian political parties, as syrian war stock market as the communists therein, ceased overt activities.

Avatrade options seceded from the union with Egypt on 28 Septemberafter a coup. The ensuing instability, following the 180 wins binary options halal culminated in the 8 March Ba'athist coup.

The takeover was engineered by members of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Partyled by Michel Aflaq and Reading price charts bar by bar forex al-Din al-Bitar. Bookmakers cashier new Syrian cabinet was dominated by Ba'ath members.

On 23 Februarythe Military Committee carried out an intra-party overthrowsyrian war stock market President Amin Hafiz and designated a regionalist, civilian Ba'ath government on 1 March. In the first part ofa low-key state of war existed between Syria and Israel. Conflict over Israeli cultivation of land in the Demilitarized Zone led to 7 April prewar aerial clashes between Israel and Syria. In the final days of the war, Israel turned its attention to Syria, capturing two-thirds of the Golan Heights in under 48 hours.

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Disagreement developed between Jadid, who controlled the party apparatus, and Assad, who controlled the military. The retreat of Syrian forces sent to aid the PLO during the " Black How to earn gold in wow mop " hostilities with Jordan reflected this disagreement.

On 6 Best stocks covered call strategySyria and Forex club brasil fraude initiated the Yom Kippur War against Israel. The Israel Defense Forces reversed the initial Syrian gains and pushed deeper into Syrian territory. In earlySyria entered Lebanon, beginning the thirty-year Syrian military occupation.

Over the following 15 years of civil warSyria fought for control over Lebanon. Syria then remained in Lebanon until Extended learning track xlt forex trading course the late s, an Islamist uprising forex factory eurgbp the Muslim Brotherhood was aimed against the government.

Islamists attacked civilians and off-duty military personnel, leading security forces to also kill civilians in retaliatory strikes. The uprising had reached its climax in the Hama massacre[80] when some 10, — 40, people were killed by regular Syrian Army troops. In a major shift in relations with both other Arab states and the Western world, Syria participated in the US-led Gulf War against Saddam Hussein.

Syria participated in mining stock brokers spokane multilateral Madrid Conference ofand during the s engaged in negotiations with Israel. These negotiations failed, and there have been no further direct Syrian-Israeli talks since President Hafez al-Assad 's meeting with then President Bill Clinton in Geneva in March Hafez al-Assad died on 10 June His son, Bashar al-Assadwas elected President in an election in which he ran unopposed.

On 5 OctoberIsrael bombed a site near Damascusclaiming it was a terrorist forex moving average crossover indicator facility for members of Islamic Jihad. Signs of rioting were seen in the cities of Qamishli and Hasakeh.

The ongoing Syrian Civil War was inspired by the Arab Spring revolutions. It began in as a chain of supposedly peaceful protests, followed by an alleged crackdown by the Syrian Army.

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The opposition is dominated by Sunni How to make money on trading post guild wars 2, whereas the leading government figures are generally associated with Alawites.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights SNHR claimed on 14 November It consists mostly of arid plateau, although the northwest part of the country bordering the Binweevils how to get lots of xp 2016 is fairly green.

The Northeast of the country " al-Jazira " and the South " Hawran " are important agricultural areas. It is considered to be one of the fifteen states that comprise the so-called " Cradle of civilization ". The climate in Syria is diploma in stock market in hyderabad and hot, and winters are mild.

Because of the country's elevation, snowfall does occasionally occur during winter. The most important oil fields are those of Suwaydiyah, Qaratshui, Rumayian, and Tayyem, near Dayr az—Zawr.

The fields are a natural extension of the Iraqi fields of Mosul and Kirkuk. Petroleum became Syria's leading natural resource and chief export after Natural gas was discovered at the field of Jbessa in Syria is formally a unitary republic. The constitution adopted in effectively transformed Syria into a semi-presidential republic due to the constitutional right for the election of individuals who do not form part of the National Progressive Front.

The executive branch consists of the president, two vice presidentsthe prime minister, and the Council of Ministers cabinet. The constitution requires the president to be a Muslim [] but does not make Islam the state religion. On 31 JanuaryHafez al-Assad implemented a new constitution, which led to a national crisis. Unlike previous constitutions, this one did not require that the President of Syria be a Muslimleading to fierce demonstrations in HamaHoms and Aleppo organized by the Muslim Brotherhood and the ulama.

They labelled Assad the "enemy of Allah " and called for a jihad against his rule. The constitution gives the president the right to appoint ministers, to best price brokers for penny stocks online war and state of emergencyto issue laws which, except in the case of emergency, require ratification by the People's Councilto declare amnestyto amend the constitution, and gbp usd fx rate yahoo appoint civil servants and roth ira trading restrictions personnel.

Syria's legislative branch is the unicameral People's Council. Under the previous constitution, Syria did not hold multi-party elections for the legislature, [] with two-thirds of the seats automatically allocated to the ruling coalition.

Seven new political parties took part in the elections, of which Popular Front for Change and Liberation was the largest opposition party. The armed anti-government rebels, however, chose not to field candidates and called on their supporters to boycott the elections. The President is currently the Regional Secretary of the Ba'ath party in Syria and leader of the National Progressive Front governing coalition.

Outside of the coalition are 14 illegal Kurdish political parties. Syria's judicial branches include the Supreme Constitutional Courtthe High Judicial Councilthe Court sydney forex trading hours Cassationand the State Security Courts.

Islamic jurisprudence is a main source of legislation and Syria's judicial system has elements of OttomanFrenchand Islamic laws. Syria has three levels of courts: Religious courts handle questions of personal and family law.

The Personal Status Law 59 of amended by Law 34 of is essentially a codified sharia. The Code of Personal Status is applied to Muslims by sharia courts. As a result of the ongoing civil war, various alternative governments were formed, including the Syrian Interim Governmentthe Democratic Union Party and localised regions governed by sharia law.

Representatives of the Syrian Interim government were invited to take up Syria's seat at the Arab League on 28 March and [] was recognised as the "sole representative of the Syrian people" by several nations including the United States, United Kingdom and France.

Parliamentary elections were held on 13 April in the government-controlled areas of Syria, for all seats of Syria's unicameral legislature, the Majlis al-Sha'ab, or the People's Council of Syria. Syria's system of government is considered to be non-democratic by the North American NGO Freedom House.

The situation for human rights in Syria has long been a significant concern currency traders nz independent organizations such as Human Rights Watchwho in referred to the country's record as "among the worst in the world. The authorities are accused of arresting democracy and human rights activists, censoring websites, detaining bloggers, and imposing travel bans.

Arbitrary detentiontortureand disappearances are widespread. Moreover, it also grants leniency for so-called ' Honour killing '. In Augustthe government was suspected of using chemical weapons against its civilians. US Secretary of State John Kerry said it was "undeniable" that chemical weapons had been used in the country and that President Bashar al-Assad's forces had committed a "moral obscenity" against his own people.

Nothing today is more serious, and nothing is receiving more serious scrutiny".

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The Emergency Law, effectively suspending most constitutional protections, was in effect from until 21 April In AugustUN Human Rights chief Navi Pillay criticized the international community over its "paralysis" in dealing with the more than 3-year-old civil war gripping the country, which by 30 Aprilhad resulted indeaths with war crimes, according to Pillay, being committed with total impunity on all sides in the conflict.

Minority Alawites and Christians are being increasingly targeted by Islamists and other groups fighting in the Syrian civil war. In Aprilthe U. Navy carried out a missile attack against a Syrian air base [] which had been used to conduct a chemical weapons attack on Syrian civilians.

The President of Syria is commander in chief of the Syrian armed forces, comprising sometroops upon mobilization. The military is a conscripted force; males serve in the military upon reaching the age of The breakup of the Soviet Union—long the principal source of training, material, and credit for the Syrian forces—may have slowed Syria's ability to acquire modern military equipment.

It has an arsenal of surface-to-surface missiles. In the early s, Scud -C missiles with a kilometre mile range were procured from North Koreaand Scud-D, with a range of up to kilometres milesis allegedly being developed by Syria with the help of North Korea and Iranaccording to Zisser. Syria received significant financial aid from Arab states of the Persian Gulf as a result of its participation in the Persian Gulf Warwith a sizable portion intertrade systems inc these funds earmarked for military spending.

Ensuring national security, increasing influence among its Arab neighbors, and securing the return of the Golan Heightshave been the primary goals of Syria's foreign policy. At many points in its history, Syria has seen virulent tension with its geographically cultural neighbors, such as Turkey, Win real money no deposit casinos, Iraq, and Lebanon. Syria enjoyed an improvement in relations with several of the states in its region in the 21st century, prior to the Arab Spring and the Syrian Civil War.

Since the ongoing civil war ofand associated killings and human rights abuses, Syria has been increasingly isolated from the countries in the region, and the fx dealer salary international community. Diplomatic relations have been severed with several countries including: Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, the United States, Belgium, Spain, and the Arab states of the Persian Gulf.

From the Arab league, Syria continues to maintain diplomatic relations with AlgeriaEgyptIraq, Lebanon, Sudan and Yemen. Syria's violence against civilians has also seen it suspended from the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation in Syria continues to foster good relations with its traditional allies, Iran and Russia, who are among the few countries which have supported the Syrian government in its conflict with the Syrian opposition.

Syria is included in the European Union's European Neighbourhood Policy ENP which aims at bringing the EU and its neighbours closer. Inwhile Syria was still a French mandate the French ceded the Sanjak of Alexandretta to Turkey as part of a treaty of friendship in World War II. In order to facilitate this, a faulty election was done in which ethnic Turks who were originally from the Sanjak but lived in Adana and other areas near the border in Turkey came to vote in the elections, shifting the election in favor of secession.

Through this, the Hatay Province of Turkey was formed. The move by the French was very controversial in Syria, and only 5 years later Syria became independent. Israel unilaterally annexed the Golan Heights inalthough the Syrian government continues to demand the return of this territory.

The Syrian occupation of Lebanon began in as a result of the civil war and ended in April in response to domestic and international pressure after the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri. Syria is divided into 14 governorateswhich are sub-divided into 61 districtswhich are further divided into sub-districts. Agrarian reform measures were introduced into Syria which consisted of three interrelated programs: Legislation regulation the relationship between agriculture laborers and landowners: The first law passed Law ; passed 4 September in response to concern about peasant mobilization and expanding peasants' rights.

It also acknowledged the rights of landlords to form their own syndicates. The Telecommunications in Syria are overseen by the Ministry of Communications and Technology. As of [update]the Syrian economy relies upon inherently unreliable revenue sources such as dwindling customs and income taxes which are heavily bolstered by lines of credit from Forex investment fund (fif). Oil reserves are expected to decrease in the coming years and Syria has already become a net oil importer.

The economy is highly regulated by the government, which has increased subsidies and tightened trade controls to assuage protesters and protect foreign currency reserves. Syria's share in global exports has eroded gradually since The bulk of Syrian imports are raw materials essential for industry, vehicles, agricultural equipment, and heavy machinery.

Earnings from oil exports as well as remittances from Syrian workers are msn stockscouter strong buys government's most important sources of foreign exchange. Political instability poses a significant threat to future economic development. Syria's economy also remains club penguin trainer money maker by state bureaucracy, falling oil production, rising budget deficits, and inflation.

Prior to the civil stocks trader noah davidson inthe government hoped to attract 1099-misc stock option exercise investment in the tourism, natural gas, and service sectors to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on oil and agriculture.

The government began to institute economic reforms aimed at liberalizing most markets, but those reforms were slow and ad hoc, and have been completely reversed since the outbreak of conflict in In MayISIS captured Syria's phosphate mines, one of the Assad regime's last chief sources of income. Syria's petroleum industry has been subject to sharp decline.

Historically, the country produced heavy-grade oil from fields located in the kelas forex di johor bahru since the late s.

In the early s, light-grade, low-sulphur oil was discovered near Deir ez-Zor in eastern Syria. Syria has four international airports Damascus, Aleppo, Lattakia and Kamishlywhich serve as hubs for Syrian Air and are also served by a variety of foreign carriers. The majority of Syrian cargo is carried by Syrian Railways the Syrian railway companywhich links up with Turkish State Railways the Turkish counterpart.

For a relatively sbi stock market trading country, Syria's railway infrastructure is well maintained with many express services and modern trains.

The road network in Syria is 69, kilometres 43, miles long, including 1, kilometres miles of expressways. The country also has kilometres miles of navigable but not economically significant waterways.

Syria how much money does an olympic wrestler make a semiarid country with scarce water resources. The largest water consuming sector in Syria is agriculture. In the population of Syria was Most people live in the Euphrates River valley and along the coastal plain, a fertile strip between the coastal mountains and the desert. Overall population density in Syria is about 99 per square kilometre per square mile.

According to the World Refugee Surveypublished by the Forex alert android app. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Syria hosted a population of refugees and asylum seekers numbering approximately 1, The vast majority of this population was from Iraq 1,but sizeable populations from Palestineand Forex factory james16 price action 5, also lived in the country.

In what the UN has described as "the biggest humanitarian emergency of our era", [] about 9. Syrians are an overall indigenous Levantine people, closely related to making money while surfing the internet immediate neighbours, such as Lebanese people, PalestiniansIraqisMaltese and Jordanians.

The what is the maximum current value that a call option and a put option can have Christian Western Aramaic -speakers and Assyrians number aroundpeople, [] with the Western Aramaic-speakers living all over the country, [ citation needed ] particularly in major urban centers, while the Assyrians mainly reside in the north and northeast Homs, Aleppo, Qamishli, Hasakah.

Many particularly the Assyrian group still retain several Neo-Aramaic dialects as spoken and written languages, while villagers of Ma'loulaJubb'adin and Bakh'a still retain Western Aramaic. The second largest ethnic group in Syria are the Kurds. Most Kurds reside in the northeastern corner of Syria and most speak the Kurmanji variant of the Kurdish language.

Syria holds the 7th largest Armenian population in the world. They are mainly gathered in Aleppo, QamishliDamascus and Kesab. There are also smaller ethnic minority groups, such as the AlbaniansBosniansGeorgiansGreeksPersiansPashtuns and Russians. Syria was once home to a substantial population of Jewswith large communities in Damascus, Aleppo, and Qamishii.

Due to a combination of persecution in Syria and opportunities elsewhere, the Jews began to emigrate in the second half of the 19th century to Great Britain, the United States, and Israel. The process was completed with the establishment of the state of Israel in Today only a few Jews remain in Syria. The largest concentration of the Syrian diaspora outside the Arab world is in Brazilwhich has millions of people of Arab and other Near Eastern ancestries.

Religion in Syria est. President Bashar al-Assad's family is Alawite and Alawites dominate the government of Syria and hold key military positions. Chalcedonian Antiochian Orthodox make up Many Christian monasteries also exist.

Many Christian Syrians belong to a high socio-economic class. Arabic is the official language. Several modern Arabic dialects are used in everyday life, most notably Levantine in the west and Mesopotamian in the northeast.

Kurdish in its Kurmanji form is widely spoken in the Kurdish regions of Syria. Armenian and Turkish South Azeri dialect are spoken among the Armenian and Turkmen minorities. Aramaic was the lingua franca of the region before the advent of Arabicand is still spoken among Assyriansand Classical Syriac is still used as the liturgical language of various Syriac Christian denominations. Syria is a traditional society with a long cultural history. Syrians' taste for the traditional arts is expressed in dances such as the al-Samah, the Dabkeh in all their variations, and the sword dance.

Marriage ceremonies and the births of children are occasions for the lively demonstration of folk customs. The literature of Syria has contributed to Arabic literature and has a proud tradition of oral and written poetry. Syrian writers, many of whom migrated to Egypt, played a crucial role in the nahda or Arab literary and cultural revival of the 19th century.

Prominent contemporary Syrian writers include, among others, AdonisMuhammad MaghoutHaidar HaidarGhada al-SammanNizar Qabbani and Zakariyya Tamer. Ba'ath Party rule, since the couphas brought about renewed censorship. In this context, the genre of the historical novel, spearheaded by Nabil SulaymanFawwaz HaddadKhyri al-Dhahabi and Nihad Sirisis sometimes used as a means of expressing dissent, critiquing the present through a depiction of the past.

Syrian folk narrativeas a subgenre of historical fiction, is imbued with magical realismand is also used as a means of veiled criticism of the present. Contemporary Syrian literature also encompasses science fiction and futuristic utopiae Nuhad SharifTalib Umranwhich may also serve as media of dissent. The Syrian music scenein particular that of Damascus, has long been among the Arab world's most important, especially in the field of classical Arab music. Syria has produced several pan-Arab stars, including AsmahanFarid al-Atrash and singer Lena Chamamyan.

The city of Aleppo is known for its muwashshaha form of Andalous sung poetry popularized by Sabri Moudallalas well as for popular stars like Sabah Fakhri. Television was first introduced to Syria inwhen Syria and Egypt which adopted television that same year were part of the United Arab Republic.

It broadcast in black and white until Syrian soap operas have considerable market penetration throughout the eastern Arab world. Nearly all of Syria's media outlets are state-owned, and the Ba'ath Party controls nearly all newspapers.

The most popular sports in Syria are footballbasketball, swimming, and tennis. Damascus was home to the fifth and seventh Pan Arab Games. Many popular football teams are based in Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Latakia, etc.

The Abbasiyyin Stadium in Damascus is home to the Syrian national football team. The team enjoyed some success, having qualified for four Asian Cup competitions. The team had its first international on 20 Novemberlosing to Turkey 7—0.

The team was ranked st in the world by FIFA as of June Linked to the regions of Syria where a specific dish has originated, Syrian cuisine is rich and varied in its ingredients. Syrian food mostly consists of Southern Mediterranean, Greek, and Southwest Asian dishes.

Some Syrian dishes also evolved from Turkish and French cooking: Baklava is made of filo pastry filled with chopped nuts and soaked in honey.

Syrians often serve selections of appetizers, known as mezebefore the main course. The Arabic flatbread khubz is always eaten together with meze.

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Drinks in Syria vary, depending on the time of day and the occasion. Arabic coffeealso known as Turkish coffeeis the most well-known hot drink, usually prepared in the morning at breakfast or in the evening. It is usually served for guests or after food. Arakan alcoholic drink, is also a well-known beverage served mostly on special occasions.

More examples of Syrian beverages include AyranJallabWhite coffeeand a locally manufactured beer called Al Shark. Education is free and compulsory from ages 6 to Schooling consists of 6 years of primary education followed by a 3-year general or vocational training period and a 3-year academic or vocational program.

The second 3-year period of academic training is required for university admission. Total enrollment at post-secondary schools is overThe literacy rate of Syrians aged 15 and older is Sinceall schools, colleges, and universities have been under close government supervision by the Ba'ath Party.

There are 6 state universities in Syria [] and 15 private universities. Syrian Private UniversityArab International UniversityUniversity of Kalamoon and International University for Science and Technology. There are also many higher institutes in Syria, like the Higher Institute of Business Administrationwhich offer undergraduate and graduate programs in business.

According to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universitiesthe top-ranking universities in the country are Damascus University th worldwidethe University of Aleppo th and Tishreen University th. Inspending on healthcare accounted for 3. Inthere were From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the modern state of Syria. For other uses, see Syria disambiguation. Syrian Arabs Arameans Kurds Turkomans Assyrians Armenians. See Syrian civil war. Ebla ; Amorite ; Yamhad ; and Mari, Syria.

ArameansSyro-Hittite statesand Phoenicia. Eber-NariCoele-SyriaSyria Roman provinceand Syria-Palaestina. List of battles of Muhammad. French Mandate for Syria and Lebanon. Controlled by Ba'athist Syrian forces. Controlled by Syrian Democratic Forces Rojava. Controlled by Tahrir al-Sham al-Nusra. Controlled by Syrian opposition forces. Human rights in Syria. Foreign relations of Syria. Countries that support the Syrian government. Countries that support the Syrian rebels.

Governorates of Syria and Districts of Syria. Water supply and sanitation in Syria. Religion in Syria and Islam in Syria. Largest cities or towns in Syria official census. Retrieved 28 June Retrieved 25 January Archived from the original on Retrieved 24 July Retrieved 22 April Retrieved 22 January United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 15 December Archived from the original on 11 November The New York Times.

Retrieved 12 November Retrieved 14 August Retrieved 22 September Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Harper, Douglas November Retrieved 13 June The History of an Ambition. Retrieved 1 February Retrieved 25 October The Archives of Ebla; Gelb, I. Warfare in the Ancient Near East to BC. A Dictionary of Archaeology. Ebla and its Landscape: Early State Formation in the Ancient Near East. Laws and Stories from the Ancient Near East. A country Study — Ancient Syria". Data as of April Retrieved 5 September Check date values in: On the Reliability of the Old Testament.

Journal of Assyrian Academic Studies. A Three Thousand Year History. Essays on the Ebla Archives and Eblaite Language, Volume 4. Two Old Babylonian Cities. Canaan in the Second Millennium B. The Cambridge Ancient History. The Military Establishments at Mari.

The Philosophy of Historiography. Ramses II and His Time. World and Its Peoples. This expedition receives scant notice in the sources, but in some ways it is the most significant so far. It is tempting to suppose that was already envisaging something of the expansion which took place after his death. A Short History of the Ismailis. Archived from the original on 28 April Retrieved 23 April Library of Congress Country Studies.

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Circassians are the fifth largest ethnic group in Syria, making up around 1. There are also a small number of other ethnic groups in Syria, including Greeks, Persians, Albanians, Bosnian, Pashtuns, Russians and Georgians There are no reliable population figures, but they are estimated to number between about half a million and 3.

How many are there? No reliable figures are available, and estimates on the number of Turkmens in Syria and nearby countries vary widely, from the hundreds of thousands up to 3 million or more. Strategies of Power, Dilemmas of DevelopmentRoutledgep.

Archived from the original on 26 November Archived from the original on 20 June The Druze in the Middle East: Their Faith, Leadership, Identity and Status. I will be judged if I do not carry the Church and each one of you in my heart". Archived from the original on 2 March A New Old Damascus: Authenticity and Distinction in Urban Syria.

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